
01335 346800


The safety and wellbeing of our drivers is of the upmost importance to us, with increased demand on distribution across the UK, roads are busier than ever and therefore increased diligence to safety should be a priority to everyone. Upon registration all our drivers receive a number of guides and templates to read in order to familiarise themselves with our processes, as well as remind them of the legal aspects of HGV driving. Here’s a collection of some guides you may find useful.

Driver’s Guide

This welcome guide includes useful information to ensure working with us is easy and enjoyable. You’ll find all you need to know about registration and your driver assessment. We’ve included a short overview of our booking system which is done via our ERUK app, which you can download here.  We offer Driver CPC Training; a list of available courses can be found in this guide.  Drivers Guide download here.

FTA Driver Safety

As a professional driver you are responsible for the safety of yourself, your vehicle and those around you. It is important that you understand how to safely operate and work in and around your vehicle during your working period. By following the simple steps outlined in this FTA guide you can help ensure your own safety and the safety of others.

Tachograph Brief

We’ve collated some brief tachograph instructions, but these should not be regarded as a substitute for the DTCO 1381 instructions as prescribed by EU Regulation (EEC) no. 3821/85, Annex IB. These instructions are for general guidance only and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of the law. Further information on legislation can be obtained from 561/2006 and 3821/85 (as amended) regulations. Download Tachograph Brief here.

Staying Legal

EU Drivers’ Hours Driving Limits – This guide aims to provide you, the professional driver, with the basic information you need to comply and stay legal. It contains information on drivers’ hours, the condition of your vehicle and your responsibilities as a driver. The full guidance can be found at: www.gov.uk

HGV Daily Walk Around Check

HGV walk around checks should be carried out before any vehicle is driven on the road each day. If more than one driver uses a vehicle during the day, the driver taking charge should make sure it is roadworthy and safe to drive by carrying out their own walk around check before setting off. Checks should be carried out at the beginning and end of each shift, download your guide here.


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To cultivate a culture of safety, driven by compliance, awareness, education and training you have to develop engaging campaigns.